Thursday, June 20, 2013

Deep Meditation Benefits

Deep Meditation

Did you know that people who meditate are much happier and healthier than everyone else? It's true. And they have greatly extended life spans, too. As a matter of fact, there have been numerous studies showing that meditation dramatically reduces, and even reverses disease of all types.

But the benefits of meditation don't stop there. Studies also show that experienced meditators -those who are able to achieve the deepest levels of meditative states - are able to tap into dormant levels of brain function they never thought possible -levels of function that exist in each and every one of us -resulting in increased intelligence and moving us closer to answering life's mysterious questions.

Upon closer examination of meditators' brains, they consistently show to function at a superior level than the average person's on every single test, measurement, and assessment generated among the scientific community. In fact, if you do your homework, you'll discover that many of history's greatest inventors, philosophers, and scientists received their revolutionary, future -changing ideas during their daily meditation sessions.

Just imagine what you could do if you had access to these deep levels of meditation!

One of the reasons meditators experience greater levels of happiness and health is because meditation significantly increases the brain's production of several euphoric chemicals -the same chemicals that flow through your bloodstream on those days when you've never felt better. Even more, meditation allows these euphoric brain chemicals to be produced constantly.

Meditators also sleep much better than those who don't meditate. As a matter of fact, they have shown to need fewer hours of sleep every night because their minds and bodies are completely refreshed and rejuvenated during their highly pleasurable meditation sessions.

Meditation is also known for providing its practitioners with superior mental and emotional health, it rids our minds of subconscious layers of anger, depression, anxiety, fear, phobias, and sadness, and produces a perfect mental and emotional balance.

People who meditate are also known to have more friends, maintain healthier relationships, and feel a great deal more satisfied and content with their lives.

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