Monday, October 3, 2011

There are 3 basic states of mind.
  • Emotional mind
  • Reasonable mind
  • Wise mind

"Emotion Mind runs HOT"

Emotional mind state occurs when our thoughts are being controlled by our emotions. If the emotions are fear, or anger they may keep our thoughts so volatile that we have trouble being reasonable.

Passionate, extreme, and intense reactions in emotional mind make reasonable, logical thinking difficult.  When an emotional state controls your thinking and behaviour, emotional mind has taken over.

Intense devotion or desire motivates staying with very hard tasks and sacrificing oneself for others.  Mothers running through fires to save their children are in emotional mind.  People high in emotional mind are often passionate about people, causes, and beliefs- these are the dramatic, fun people of the world.

Misery and distress are emotional reactions to problems in living that make a difficult situation worse.  You can however, learn to use emotion and logic together to improve your quality of life.  This is the goal of Wise Mind.

"Reasonable Mind runs COOL"

Reasonable mind state occurs when we think logically, be rational about what is occurring.  This intellectual or scientific state of mind defines reality in terms of facts, numbers, equations, or cause and effect.  Whether balancing your checkbook, baking a cake or working a crossword puzzle, you need to knowledge of reasonable mind.

Reasonable mind is important to learning skills.  You need to understand how a skill works and when to apply it.  Reasonable mind is a storehouse of information, helping you define a problem objectively and determine a solution.  To use skills, you need to know what the different skills are, and how to call them forth when you need them.  For example, to regulate emotions skillfully, you must be able to name them, understand what events and interpretations prompt certain emotions, know what emotions feel like, what emotions compel you to do, and their aftereffects.  The more you know and the more you practice the stronger reasonable mind becomes.

Reasonable mind is much easier when you are healthy, strong, sober, rested and fed but much harder when  you are sick, weak, stoned, tired, or hungry.  Emotion mind starts to take over when you are stressed or don't feel well.

Although reasonable mind is critical to dealing with reality, many of life's problems have an emotional aspect.

Wise Mind comes from a CENTERED place of being
Wise mind is the active integration between emotional and reasonable mind. Wise mind is part reason and part emotion and what makes us know we’re in this mind is often a sense of intuition. It can sometimes be described as that “aha” moment, or a “gut feeling”.

Your effort to link your problems causing misery and distress with your reasonable, logical abilities is the basis of skillfulness and Wise Mind. Wise Mind brings together the logic of reasonable mind and the sensitivity of emotional mind to a serene state of mind.

When you relate what you know (your smarts) to your problems (what hurts) you are being skillful and in Wise Mind. Wise Mind joins what you know to your problems. But Wise Mind is more than this too; the magic of Wise Mind is intuition.

Intuition understands the meaning, significance, or truth of an event, without having to analyze it intellectually. Such intuitive knowing combines emotional experiencing and logical analysis, yet goes beyond them. A calm certainty validates your intuition, helping you discern whether your certainty is emotionally biased or truly intuitive.

As you use your skills, you learn to act intuitively out of Wise Mind, trusting that you know beyond what you think and feel. This takes flexibility, imagination, and open-mindedness. Awareness, in general, nurtures Wise Mind. Polarized thinking and a rigid worldview interfere with Wise Mind.

A way to become wise is to practice being wise. Everybody has problems in living. Successful people are better at accepting what they cannot change and changing the things they can. These successful people are informed with knowledge, armed with experience, and guided by intuition. Be willing to bring together the problems of living with your experience, knowledge and intuition.  Wise mind is seeing the whole picture not just the parts.

Wisdom grows when you use your senses, develop your mind, and learn skills. Wisdom takes work. Start working by learning core mindfulness skills, effective interpersonal skills, tolerance and patience. By exploring the various ways of knowing and becoming more aware, you develop a sense of wholeness, continuity and coherence.

As you bring Wise Mind skills to the problems in living you will develop mastery. Mastery, the feeling of being competent and under control, does NOT mean you won’t make mistakes. Mastery is the attitude of bringing your skills to your problems in living. 

But remember, no one is in Wise Mind all of the time.

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